Online medical consultation
Our Global Medical Institute center focuses on three migraine categories: frontal migraines, occipital migraines and temporal migraines, depending on where the pain starts and spreads.
Global Medical Institute makes a point of distinguishing between the different types of migraine, depending on where your migraine pain starts.
As you can see, it is very important for you to know where your pain is, where your pain starts, so that we can offer you the right treatment. A treatment that will soothe you, calm your pain and reduce or even eliminate the symptoms of your migraine.
Global Medical Institute offers teleconsultation sessions. To help you relieve your migraine, so that you do not have to waste time going back and forth between our clinic and your home, or wasting time in our waiting rooms.
These remote consultations have changed our patients’ lives quite particularly, as a large proportion of those who consult us to relieve their migrainecome from abroad, from the 4 corners of the globe.
In these few lines, we would like to tell you more about the teleconsultations or online consultations we offer.
Why use online medical consultations? Can our specialists write you a prescription? Is your health data protected? Is it secure? How do I pay online?
Browse this article and find the answers to your questions.
Why use online medical consultation?
The answers to this question are many and varied, and there is something for everyone.
First, a quick look at the definition of online medical consultation. For you, patients, and for us, migraine specialists, it means using video to communicate via a computer, tablet or smartphone.
This teleconsultation takes place in exactly the same way as a conventional consultation in a doctor’s surgery. Thanks to advances and developments in communication technologies, this practice offers many advantages:
- Appointments with specialists take a long time. You often have to wait for 3 to 6 months for an appointment. Thanks to teleconsultation, this waiting time is greatly reduced.
- This reduction in waiting time means you, the patient, will not have to forego the care you need. And for us, as specialists, it means we can help you relieve your headaches or migraines from a distance, or even take charge of your care.
- Our patients sometimes find it difficult to travel. Our center is located in Switzerland, and our patients travel from the world over. Some have disabilities that prevent them from traveling. Thanks to teleconsultation, you can find your specialist on your smartphone, screen or tablet.
- As mentioned above, teleconsultation also means less time spent in the waiting room. You can go about your business until your specialist contacts you.
- Improved quality of care: a patient requiring regular medical follow-up, in the case of a chronic illness, can benefit from teleconsultation. Because it is less restrictive in terms of time and travel, medical staff will be able to provide much better support and more easily consider the care required.
- Migraine is a daily handicap. By opting for online consultations, we can help you avoid having to take one or more days off work to consult a healthcare professional. Telemedicine also helps improve employee well-being and working conditions.
Can I obtain a prescription via teleconsultation?
Yes, teleconsultation or online consultation allows you to obtain a digital prescription. Your Global Medical Institute specialist is fully able to issue a prescription following your online examination.
Is teleconsultation confidential and secure?
To comply with the law and secure the confidential information that will be discussed during your teleconsultation, and to protect your health data, our specialists are obliged to obtain your consent before starting the online consultation. Remember that all doctors are bound by medical confidentiality. We must therefore ensure the confidentiality of our exchanges.
In addition, the teleconsultation platform or application you choose offers the highest level of security. Encrypted connections and security certificates also ensure the confidentiality of the information and exchanges that take place during your medical appointment.
How do I pay for an online teleconsultation?
Once again, payment for your consultation takes place in a highly secure environment. A number of payment options are available to the patient, which must be proposed by the attending physician:
- Bank transfers,
- Online payment
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1004 Lausanne
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